12 January 2015

Macro Project - B&W Flowers

I've wanted to learn how to take photos of water droplets on plants with my macro lens for a while. Here are some of my first photos in black and white:

I chose to remove the colour for a greater contrast and impact.  I particularly like the depth of the rose and the tiny petals in the Gebera Daisy.

 Technical details (vary depending on photo): f/13, 0.8, ISO 125, 3.6 ap

Macro Project - Colour Flowers

Here are a few more photos from the same photo shoot as the B&W.  With these photos I've focused on the vivid colours to draw attention to the reflection and texture of the water droplets. 

Technical details (vary depending on photo): f/4.5, 1/10, ISO 125, 3.6 ap

08 January 2015


One photo per week, every week, in 2015.

This is Zig, also know as Ziggles, Ziggy and Mr Naughty! He has a wonderful personality and is half of our cat collection. Can you guess the other? Well done, obviously it's Zag, his brother!
During this first week of 2015 Zig brought home two furry friends for dinner (his dinner!) and learnt that he likes drinking tea, hence the name Mr Naughty!  He has also become obsessed with drinking fresh water out of beakers, my hand, the bath tub and basically anything except for his water bowl!
In the particular photo Zig is 'helping' us to pack away the Christmas decorations.

31 October 2012

04 October 2012

08 July 2012

25 September 2011

Macro Cats, Snail & Ladybird

 Macro Cat

Snails Eye 

Jumping Ladybird

Macro Cat